At the Mapua & Districts Community Association’s June meeting, Mapua Boat Club (MBC) representative Martyn Barlow presented the Club’s current thinking about a new Mapua boat Ramp. Martyn started by reviewing the recent wharf and boat ramp history. In August 1987 the MBC prevented the wharf from being dismantled. Subsequently they were granted a lease to occupy the wharf by Nelson Harbour Board with permission to build a boat ramp. Eventually the TDC took ownership and, in conjunction with MBC, have maintained the wharf.
But wharf commercial development over the years has caused conflict for space. After fire destroyed the landmark Touch the Sea aquarium in September 2011, the TDC decided to use the vacated space to build Shed 4, adding more commercial units and limiting access to the existing boat ramp to vehicles and boats between 7p and 10a, forcing many boat launches to Grossi Point.
The Mapua Boat Club and Tamaha Sea Scouts are seeking a replacement ramp so easier access to the water can be restored, and believes of all options, the south side of the Waterfront Park location is the best solution and will provide safer channel access, reduce conflicts at the wharf, and remove boats and trailers from Grossi Point and Tahi St. An additional proposed Tamaha Sea Scouts building at the Park location would provide the opportunity for Sea Scouting to prosper and grow. The Boat Club believes their proposition does not affect the natural character, wildlife values and amenity values of the Waterfront Park, and neighbouring property owners are in support.
Though the TDC has not formed a view on the location of a regional boat ramp yet, it agreed that any engineering solution is possible if you have the money, however in this case there are a number of decisions have to be made in partnership with the community prior to any resource consent being applied for. The Mapua Boat Club has commissioned ramp designs and will proceed with resource consent after seeking input/support from all interested parties including iwi, neighbours, community, business and user groups. The TDC has committed funds in the Long Term Plan to study the location issue in 2019/20 and to potentially build a ramp in 2021/22.
David Martin, Mapua Waterfront Working Group MWWG Chair, was welcomed to the meeting and gave the following update: The MWWG has been working closely with Stephen Richards, the TDC landscape architect, to produce detailed plans for the area between the Golden Bear and the waterfront (Ngaio Reserve). The group has tried to incorporate as much of the community feedback it has received as possible. We are satisfied that the new design is attractive and makes best use of the space. It preserves a family atmosphere with ample seating and green space. Bike and dinghy racks have been incorporated and space allowed for the Sea Scouts to launch and park their trailers. Shade trees and a play area for young children near the Ngaio tree have been included. We have been mindful of the historic importance and cultural sensitivity of the area.
We had hoped to complete community consultation by mid-April but have been delayed by the need for the TDC Commercial Department to sign off the design on the Golden Bear boundary. It is still hoped to complete the work in time for holiday period, but this is subject to cost estimates and consent by Hertiage NZ.
The group is now beginning to turn its attention to Grossi Point. TDC has produced a series of aerial photographs taken over a 70-year time span which demonstrate that there has been no significant coastal erosion at the point. However, the exposed concrete blocks at the margin are unsightly and dangerous and need to be removed. The suggestion is that they should be replaced by a natural barrier of sand and gravel, planted with indigenous vegetation. We are acutely conscious of the need to preserve the natural nature of the area.
The TDC has advised that the section of the Seaton Valley Road pathway from Mapua Rise to 113 Seaton Valley Rd will be resurfaced in July. The remaining section will be completed in stages as funding from the Footpath Maintenance budget permits. In addition, the new Mapua Drive pathway from Mapua Rise to the Mamaku Highway will be constructed in the 2019-20 financial year.
26 people attended the June 9 community planting. Along with the May 26 planting, we now have over 1100 more plants added to the Reserve. We are always amazed to see how many plants we manage to get in the ground. It looks even more impressive now as you drive past and I am sure the birds must be clapping their wings with glee! It has been noticeable that a lot more birds are discovering the area. Everyone worked so hard and so cheerfully and Many thanks Mapuians! Everyone is welcome to come lead a hand. Volunteers meet every Tuesday between 9-12am. There is always tiding up of areas and planting to be done.
Currently the Community Wellbeing Survey for Mapua/Ruby Bay & Districts which includes public transport as an option, is in its final stages of development both for paper and online distribution. The plan is for a paper copy to be delivered to all households in the Mapua/Ruby Bay wider region in the last week of June. All paper surveys will need to be returned to Mapua Hall and online surveys completed by July 31. Local groups and organizations in the area have agreed to email their members letting them know about the survey; then reminding them to complete and return/submit. Notices will be put up in public places and an article will be in the Coastal News also informing/reminding residents. We anticipate that costs will be shared between MDCA and the Nelson Tasman Community Transport Trust and will be applying to both for this.
People will be asked to send an email to Elena Meredith if they are interested in being involved in future development of the transport project and hopefully this will provide for an ongoing and larger working group to develop options/proposals.
A presentation to TACA (Tasman Area Community Association) of the vision and aims of the Nelson Tasman Community Transport was well received with members recognizing that working and lobbying together will increase the likelihood of support for a sustainable and affordable transport system in the area.
The Water Infrastructure group now has an expanded portfolio covering all things water related: water supply, wastewater, water quality, water protection and water management, including water ecosystems. MDCA Executive Committee member Naomi Aporo has kindly volunteered to be the Exec. member holding this portfolio.
At the 8 July MDCA meeting, the TDC’s Project Manager Rob O’Grady and a rep from contractor Donaldson Civil Ltd will discuss the plans for and progress of the Mapua Water & Wastewater upgrade. To get the most from the presentation please email any questions you may have regarding the upgrade plans and process ASAP to Rob at rob.o’
Be sure to attend our next monthly meeting: Monday, 8 July at 7 PM, Bill Marris Room, Mapua Hall.
MDCA works closely with TDC to ensure our community functions in a way that suits the majority of our residents. To have a vote that counts, become a financial member of MDCA by simply paying a $10 membership fee to our NBS account 03-1354-0356471-00 with your name & phone number as a reference.